Arrivals, Stayovers and Departures

This Report allows you to see all expected arrivals, any stayovers and the expected departures IN ONE REPORT for a specified date. The expected arrivals, the current guest list, and departures may all be viewed separately (using the Arrivals Report, Guest Lists Report or Departures Report respectively), but the Arrivals, Stayovers and Departures Report brings the three components together for easy and efficient scrutiny. This Report may be viewed online or printed for use at the Front Desk.

The Arrivals section appears as the separate Arrivals Report does, depending on the selections made, and shows guest name, the confirmation number, folio status, number of nights, room type, the number of rooms in the reservation, the number of adults/youths/children/pets, room rate, if the reservation is guaranteed, the room number if already assigned, check-in and current folio balance. A Totals section summarizes the total number of reservations and rooms arriving (bedded), with how many reservartions are guaranteed and non-guaranteed, and how many people (adults, youths and children) are expected.

The Stayover section shows the Guest Name List, with the stays currently expected to remain in-house (for the selected date), with room number, guest name, guest type, segment, company name, how the stay is being paid for, any associated package, the rate plan type, the room rate being charged , the number of adults/youths/children/pets, and the guest ID. A totals section shows how many people (adults, youths and children) are currently in-house as stayovers.

The Departures section appears as the separate Departures Report does, showing the room number, room type, guest name, the date of check in, number of nights, room rate, the current folio balance, and the folio status. The totals section here shows the number of rooms currently in-house departing (bedded), and the reserved rooms departing (bedded) (if any), with a final number of total departures.

The Arrivals, Stayovers and Departures command is found in the Room Reports section of the Reports Menu.



Date Updated March 24, 2021